Saturday, February 19, 2011

Snowboard Movies On Itunes

The Scarred "At Half Mast" Lp 11 tracks

Ricans have not finished our nerves. Yeah, what's more enjoyable than hating a pure product of Uncle Sam? Except spit in the face of a journalist for Canal +, I do not see. And in our own spheres
punkoïdales was spoiled for choice ... but what Dirty Punk? He arranged us find the good. But right from the junk food, the recurrent financial crises, the U.S. imperialism without concession, is not anti-French not to flatter our anti-Americanism? It's disgusting. How, with all the pettiness that characterizes me, the courage of mine (that of a surfer warm stashed behind his keyboard) am I going to say bad about a band that plays well and happens to be fun while being purely and simply in line with the punk-rock American ultra-typed and graded?
I confess that I dug a little head.
first reaction: that I tense up the cabbage leaf facing the big sound. Inflated, worked and clean. And if biau Capiau singer does not evoked that of Tim Armstrong ( who is not black, but white skin ) [singer] of Rancid, the sounds of punk rock is damn good remind us of the relationship (between Rancid & Scarred The , and many other groups who walk in the footsteps of the first ...). Second
reflex: to put prejudices or hasty judgments in the back and be lulled by the flow (yo!).
Low Life or Panic! me exhilarated the chimneys, rotating loop side B. Because even if I am not an aficionado of punk rock a little too well done, it must be recognized when the melodies or songs are well constructed and are fly. And he does not play it as much as the references cited above.
So, even if it costs me, I Quit five minutes to do evil spirit: this is not bad at all, fans of big-big rock and roll, good street, with choruses, power and the whole shebang, will find their weight in peanut butter.
So logically that comes from parturition Dirty Punk Records the form of a beautiful transparent red vinyl version of the third European album called thugs cd released in 2009.

Now playing, a good example of what can these gins
( Low Life)
Website (shabby construction, and linking to all sites "social" that do nothing new except dollars at their [s] developer [s]): The Scarred
Label: Dirty Punk Records

Kissing Japanese Teacher

Offal + The Company She has bad breath - split LP - 7 + 8 titles

anarchopunk The French finally has a real key. And not the middle, which is a minor note but not so average that had to choose, prefer the first course also a C major as the finger that (I always talk about the anarchopunk) brandished openly against authority. Musically, there are few similarities between the style in question played by people born between the Maginot Line and the Atlantic coast, and he laid by fanatics from across the Channel. Yet nothing is written and nothing causes them to stereotype that. And yet ... French exception - my good sir - is there and is, in this case, a history of rhythm. Or almost. But I will not dwell on it, I know who are already passed to the next column, or have simply transferred this blog rotten their bookmarks by right clicking furiously. I am content with just adding that one should identify all the groups currently with box-to-rhythms and to count the anarchists in the lot. To see. There would be surprises. And my thesis it would almost certainly true.

Since demos, LSEAMH has kept an approach and a style characteristic: punk-rock live, mixed with double gueulante, always tense and aggressive, the guitars very stressed and has a low, but each time more worked, and swirling percussion, tunes and some tunes. Concessions? Ben maquache. They take the small Sante Geronimo by the hand and show him how a pot for him to stop playing with that knife, one day he will hurt someone that apache! Such a gesture is an honorable citizen. It's beautiful.
servoing, lobotomy, power and handling ... whenever I listen to on these topics, I tell myself "there's no doubt, at least they are around." Must say that there is room.
The Company has the luxury to take standards and / or friends to have fun story and it is generally welcome (Nacht & Nebel, Haine Brigade, Ant Delta). And Offal
in? Pshaw ... ago as a family resemblance ... similar, not identical. Hardcore or more - let's crazy - crust, perhaps? [Resuming Aus Rottent proves] Leger, but palpable. While musically, I find the whole less catchy than the opposite side.
Well, we can not say that these two groups were not found. This split is evident. A bit like beer with fries. Does
Did not we almost finished with this whole dispute?! The authority, the media, nothing is there so thanks to them?! Everything is trampled, everything!
And we want more.
Oh yeah, no. I must say the evil brothel fuck-ass! Why qu'y'a rin eud ' marked on eul 'slice m'pochette, huh?! When j'range skeud min in the nightclub, I can nin the ledge!

If I have a very strong preference for the title "Scrap your TV" (The Society) and his final song does not play here because full is on their website (see below).
Labels: Punk's shadow; Dissidance records; Maloka ;
We Told you to play fast; Deviance
et encore plein d'autres...
Site web : La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Attempt of ENGLISH resume

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Does T Mean On Ontario License Plate?

Vector Collective

Vector conversations clinical
Variations on the transfer

You will find the presentation of this vector in the archives in January 2010.
This study group is open, you can join us.

Next meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 21:15
College Freud, 31 rue de Navarino, Paris 9th

We begin the discussion on the contributions of Seminar XI on the transfer. See especially the following chapters: 10 and 11, then 14 to 20.

Subsequent Meetings: Wednesday March 30, April 27, May 25, June 29

Carol Herrmann: 01 45 57 17 16 - 06 78 65 91 25 -