Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Editorial December 2010 "The voice of psychoanalysis today," Marie-Claude Sureau

For members of This Side of Paris this December is that of punctuation, it will take place Dec. 17 at the "General Assembly "This Side of Paris. Chaired by John Daniel Matet President of the ECF and Pierre Naveau vice president of the ECF delegate to the ACF we have the opportunity to talk together of This Side of Paris to take stock of the year spent with the office of the Flipside and consider with all members present future plans for the Other Side of Paris. We therefore expect many esteemed members of This Side. It will guide us in our desire to ensure that the Towards a strong voice in concert with those of the ECF. of ACF and the Freudian Field.

Just before the last day of the ECF there was an evening presided Jean Daniel Matet, Pierre and Jean Pierre Naveau Deffieux during which delegates were invited ACF and treasurers. Director and Treasurer of the Flipside were able to participate with great interest, we were able to talk about the difficulties but I remember most of the findings and methods used by members of the ACF to ensure to have an echo their work, either in the local press or at the university of their region. Thus we find even more echoes in our work in Paris, even if we can put down to work this year and years past many evenings quite interesting that brought together a large audience, attentive and sharp things.
This year is not a permutation of the year we will have office on December 17 all the time to talk about what was done in 2009 and 2010 and also to consider our plans for next year.
The month of November was marked by important moments for the Flipside, we had Eric Lawrence on the subject of the appointment this conference Eric Lawrence will soon be published in the journal of the ECF, but in December will not be outdone by the evening of December 1, animated by the cartel seminar on the issue of appointment, evening during which intervene Marie-Hélène Blancard and Karim Bordeau.
We had the opportunity to participate on November 22 with the ACF Idf at the request of the ECF at a party marking the opening of cartels in the ECF. It appeared that such Towards did not delegate to the cartels, this does not prevent many members of This Side of working as a cartel.
During the evening eleven cartels were formed, mostly people living in Paris or nearby, it seemed that This Side of Paris was to foster more setting cartel members and those who are not yet members but who wish to put to work as a cartel, the courier of the Flipside will therefore reserve a place at the cartel seeks to ensure that those wishing to work in cartel may be make an announcement indicating their desire to work as a cartel, and also specify if they want the subject to which they wish to steer the cartel.
So for that it will send an email to Dominique Charpenel or myself. Many young students were at the ECF for the evening marking the opening of cartels, we wish them therefore also welcome for evenings of This Side, and an evening of June will be dedicated to work produced in the cartels that have developed around this issue of the appointment, other parties are also held on other issues, members of cartels may also solicit members office for that.
On October 23 we heard the work of members of the Workshop text reading of Lacan and Francesca Biagi Chai on the texts of Lacan and 30s on crime, we will have another afternoon meeting in January Instruments of the 50s Lacan on crime afternoon to be announced shortly and then the guest will Leguil Francis.
December 4, the working group around the network link Popi will meet around François Ansermet for his seminar to be held at Bichat, and the issue of "children of science"
will articulate the agenda medicine and psychoanalysis in the best way.
groups read texts of Freud, the group continue their work. Finally we come to receive the number 53, and the office bulletin Horizon thank the staff of Horizon has developed a document of psychoanalysis today is almost a "report card" sound as "honored" the presence of Radio Rene Fiori which came to speak to readers in order to train them to become as auditors for the reader and the listener walk hand in hand, one does not go without the other. Often we listen to lectures, seminars before reading the text, is the portion of the hearing at Reading is a way of walking, a way to bring the body, all these channels and contribute to transmit voice analytic discourse which is crucial for us today, in the orientation of ours and probably will this radio has in its dimension of speech a place quite important, a style that is relocating Side of Paris and gives a new audience to what takes place in Paris about the Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation.


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