Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Themes For Model Photshoot
The 7 is a choreography STONES original
Staging and artistic collaboration: Sophie Brillouet,
Scenography video: Jérôme Clair
Sacred Music of the twelfth century by Montserrat Figueras and Jordi Saval.
A creation that opens with a prelude of ancient arts played by Emmanuelle Parrenin the harp, the old and vocals (repertoire and composition). The 7
STONES is an initiatory path where, marquee tent, from pillar to pillar, gate gate, establishes a dialogue between those who walk, a crossing, the dancing, the one to see, and stone.
There are 7 messages symbolized by 7 themes: architectural geometry, the evocation of medieval history, the popular myth but also sculpture, sacred icons, the pilgrimage and stone.
The art useful to sacred art, The 7 STONES is an invitation to rediscover the foundations of a universal art.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Can I Watch On A Mac
Try searching the word "mole" on your search engine and you'll see that most articles concern the means of extermination of this animal!
Myself, when I arrived in Paris in what was although my country house and I saw my beautiful lawn dotted with mounds of earth I curse these moles and used various means of destruction. As
see a mole LIVING is another matter! (Or in the short time it takes for a cat before the kill). Yesterday
yet my wife who spotted a "walking" (awkwardly) on the lawn rather than pacing the basement as usual. It must be said that this time the earth was made very hard by the alternation of some rain followed by sunny days and that this mole was struggling to dig quickly to bury.
Here are the photos I have taken:
The sight of this little animal and contact with his silky coat at once dispelled years of hatred. His desperate efforts to regain its underground domain pitying us. Our sympathy should be communicative, because even Jo, the dog, watched without aggressiveness. Perhaps it is with men as well? Xenophobia (hatred of foreigners) feeds on ignorance. Once a "foreigner" is known to us it changes status. That's why many people are justified in saying: "I'm not racist, the proof is that I best friends X "(replace X with" Jews "," Arab "or" black "choice)
NB Another personal reason to dislike the" Mole "is my 3-year stay in preparation for competition ( Maths Sup & Maths SPE) called "Mole" probably because the "click beetles" and "wireworms" must work hard, blind as moles are underground.
In memory of those years of hell here is a picture of the "Mole Foch" High School Lyautey in Casablanca. (I'm in the top left)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
How Do Reset A Casehard Combination Lock
Visibly he spent a quiet winter with the accumulated store of nuts in the fall.
is seen here enjoying a new nut. Unfortunately for him he can not get fruit on our tree and it must be about fifty meters to find walnut trees on "normal".
is that our tree is completely "crazy".
While a walnut "normal" is already completely green and bear fruit (see the squirrel) ours is his first shoot. It has its full foliage until 14 July. The result is that its fruits are ripe in October, and when they fall on the soggy ground by the rains of autumn, it bears fruits that rot or die ssèchent if you expose them to heat.
How To Wear A Low Back Bra
With a climate that alternates periods of rain and sun (called a time "rotten"), grass clippings are multiplying in our gardens.
Tip: Before you begin to examine the shear field. First it will allow you to remove the various objects that have abandoned your children and thus avoid the chop, then maybe you will spot a rare species. So my beautiful girl circumvented this wild orchid, which has become rare in our regions: a Himantoglossum (loroglosse). It is also called "goat orchid" because of its unpleasant odor. (For co-lived with someone who had a goat and two goats I can tell you that this has no relation!)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How To Make A Blueprint In Computer
She did her training at the University of Sorbonne (Paris IV), the CNR Boulogne Billancourt and spooled Odile Rouquet and Nathalie Schulmann in technical analysis mouvement.Elle receives lessons from a wide cultural diversity, ballet, modern dance (Cunningham, Duncan), character dance of the country East, trapeze, with a return to the primitive expressions (Herns Duplan), and art Carnatic music and singing with Jayan Chandran and Balankrishna Kamath in the region of Kerala in southern India. She continues to study singing, dancing and music worlds with Bénédicte Pavelack to Paris.Un dancer nomadic journey in search of an expression universelle.Parallélement, its meetings with renowned choreographers; Suzon Holzer, Christine Bastin, Jean-François Duroure, Roxanne and Joseph Nadj Huilmand offer him a rich experience in choreography. She creations in his first (solo) in Paris, Pantin and Vitry s / Seine Dance Biennale du Val de Marne.
Since 2000 in Poitou-Charentes, his extensive research field as well as meetings of artistic quality, have revealed the desire to marry the arts for the creation of joint projects. In this line, she creates original pieces for Company Tartine (funded by the General Council and the Poitou Charente): "The 7 family travel "Poetic fantasy" Chuuula "choreographic tale / by S. Zaborowski, Persian music of Fardin Mortazavi, creation in residence in 2005. Meanwhile, she continued her practice of Carnatic singing with Andre Martin and TM Krishna.
his latest creation "7 Stones" extends his approach to heritage, combining dance, sacred music from the XIIth century and visual arts.
Emmanuelle Parrenin, composer, singer and musician of ancient art
Since his early experiences within the Brotherhood of Fools with the members of the "Quartet" In 1975 she performed and created almost 30 years for numerous performances with his favorite instruments that are the old, the harp and of course the voice. She likes to mix genres from both the recital in a musical for the Carnival of Venice. She also composes for the world of dance and theater, as was the case in 1993 with dancer Robert Kovitch the Georges Pompidou Centre or with Arianne Mnouchkine Theatre in the sun. It also creates a musical tale "Beauty and Lurette" it will broadcast widely from 1997 to 2005. She currently investigates the dialogue between western and eastern music with "Marriage of Bayna.
Sophie Brillouet, director
His career combines drama (Ecole Superieure d'Agen), visual arts (Univ. of Bordeaux 3) and applied arts. She sings Brecht and Molière before turning to directing, sustained by Peter Debauche. Red Crinoline for the Company, she created "La Belle Epoque" (tavern), "Miss Red" (young people), "The Secret Wedding of the Sea and Wind" (dance and electronic music), "The Imaginary Voyages" (tribute to Champlain S., and R. P. Loti Caillie) and "Memoirs" (S. Zaborowski). Since 2005, the City of Surgères and the General Council of Charente-Maritime entrust the creation of websites directing "The Unfinished Love, Life of Helen of Surgères," "The Siege of La Rochelle (E. Manet ), "La Rose des Vignes" (J.-L. Labour).
Jérôme Clair photographer videographer
degree in art photography at the Ecole Superieure d'Arts de Saint-Jacques de Compostela (Spain), he participated in group and solo exhibitions: Workshop Internazionale 2007/08 Park Madonie Sicily GZcrea2007, "Popular Culture" (Museo del Traje Madrid) in Galicia branco e negro, Arte Xove, outono fotografico de Ourense. He is currently working on the theme of aging to its series "Generation isolated." He worked for the newspaper group El Correo Gallego and ph otographies are published in the daily El Correo Gallego, Galicia and Hoxe Tierras. He has won the 3rd prize in the photography competition "Cultures on my street" organized by the European Commission within the framework of the Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Does Free Ones Have Viruses
Know trigger at the right time: that the quality of some photographers. One thinks especially Cartier-Bresson and Robert Doisneau. But some do a picture of their life and remain anonymous. It is to honor them that I collected a few photos on the Internet that I deliver in two forms: a slideshow for those who want to "transplant" some for personal use and a vid & # 233 o I have to "post" on YouTube.
Click on the picture for the slideshow. To save some pictures when you're on, click the right mouse button and choose "save image as ..."
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Watch First Auditions Groping Hands

April 15 in late morning we changed the lens of my left eye. In surgical terms this is called a cataract operation. (Replacing the lens with an implant plexiglass)
It very fast and we do not suffer at all.
This morning I was removing the bandage with which you see me on the picture I took with my cell phone. (Yes I know: it's forbidden in a hospital!)
I asked a black headband to pirate, but the medical profession did not want!
the moment (a few hours after surgery) my eyesight is not very clear but it seems that it is normal for several days.
The most dramatic effect, immediately noticeable is that all colors appear ravivées.Vous you remember the pub on "OMO that washes whiter .."? Is the effect that it makes me when I look at the screen by closing the first operated eye and then reversing.
So I hope that sense of life will have new colors for me.
Meanwhile I look pass the time ...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Put My Face To A Hair Style
A friend (Lisa B.) sent me the following;
"Attached pictures of the couple of magpies who are currently building a nest right outside the window & # 234; be my living room. They had begun to consolidate their nest last year, but it was completely devastated by the winds of last week. Still nothing when he had held all the time since last year. Here is a brand new nest they started there is a semaine.Il there is one that brings mud or foam and the other m & # 232; not twigs.
One often remains on the nest to try to put the twigs in the way that suits them while the other happens, covers a little the merits and leaves. It's fun to know observer.Je having seen the previous nest that will soon be covered. We are already seeing the side walls up gradually. The nests of magpies are all closed as a hollow ball, except a small side hole. "
The text was accompanied by a series of I give you pictures ...
To see the series of pictures click on the image of the magpie
Friday, April 4, 2008
Is 30 Lumens Enough For Projector
Since his death was near, the great Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marques wrote a little blurb thoughts in the form of stock, or will.
I loved these simple sentences, with no frills poetic, but imbued with a humanity that sees in the photo below cons.
To view the slideshow that I built on these words: click on the image.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Japanese Average Calories
Some may remember my articles on this webcam installed in the middle of a pond, Botswana, which allowed direct observation of the lives of animals around the pond. The initiative came back to National Geographic magazine. Given the success of the transaction, National Geographic has developed the concept in other environments, including polar bears in the far north. Meanwhile, the concept has changed a little: it is always direct, but the actual circulation is preceded by an advertisement for one minute that can not pass. See for yourself ...
To go to the site (at 'normal because Africa is almost at the same solar time than us) click on the image below:
If you installed the RealPlayer (media player free competitor to Windows Media Player) you can view images in larger sizes and even save the images to your computer!)
To download this software you can click on: RealPlayer.
Click "Save" and then double-click the downloaded file to install Real Player on your PC. Do not check any proposed options because we try to send you the "pub"!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Blue Prints For Fireplace Mantle
You've always dreamed of flying. A site makes this dream. A friend (Armelle) sent me the link. Click the image above.
After loading (green bar) click again on the window of mountain: go!
Note: when using the Firefox browser instead of Internet Explorer, the program asks you a strange question when you answer with "Cancel". the flight will begin.
Oh, one more thing: stealing music is accompanied by a "hovering" (Vangelis) then plug the speakers!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I Got Athletes Foot -mike -mikes -mike's
a time when the purchasing power takes the lead in wing French are glad to learn that DGS (among others) is paid a small golden parachute (barely one million and a half euro, people are really petty!).
The moral of the story? Well ... there just are not any!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Bleeding 5 Days Before Period
If you spend one day in Boulogne-sur_Mer do not miss a visit to the aquarium Nausicaa.
In a magical atmosphere made by lighting very well studied you will see wonderful fish and can even cuddle some that come in your hand to cuddle like kittens!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Chikans In Japanese Trains
The sun rose on a morning frost.
Valley Dommiers not see the sun for a few hours.
Shreds of mist cling, powered smoke stacks or a few herbs that are burned.
The moon, she is getting ready for bed after a night out. A dove coos
on my roof. The sound
matins at the church.
A plane passes in silence.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Half Price Promotion Heathrow Express
"Draw me a sheep said to Saint-Exupery's Little Prince in the middle of the desert. If he had sent to Ilana Yahav is what he had seen.
what is beautiful and a bit tragic with sand painting is its ephemeral side. When we see the artist's hand caressing the sand to erase part of his work was like shouting: "Stop, let us see some more! We are fascinated by the "dynamism" of these creations, the movement of the hand with a hypnotic effect which we are suspended. The work of Ilana
is taken largely on You Tube. I selected this video of 2007 viewed 253000 times!
At the end of the video to YouTube you will see thumbnails that let you explore other creations of this Israeli artist.
Bushy Eyebrows Before And After Waxing
Clara 6. It is in CE1 (having skipped the PC because they can read, write and count). I noticed two paintings she made in school. She used crayons and broux nuts.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Examples Monthly Counselings
Near our walnut crazy "(it has its first leaves in July and fruits in October!) actually saw a red squirrel. Of course it benefits
its proximity to walnut for amassing huge stores of nuts, which explains its shape.
This morning, thanks to my new camera telephoto lens I was able to grasp the ungraspable.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Men Body Waxing Bangkok
I discovered the taste of e WRITING after 60 years. However the drawing and painting is a pleasure going back to my childhood. I painted
my first oil paintings when I was 17. Copies of Van Gogh: The Wheat Field in Provence that I painted 2 times, the boats on the beaches of Aigues, etc. ...
Painting has become a kind of gluttony. I happen to love even the smell of turpentine, which I associate automatically to painting.
The establishment of a painting is rewarding because it requires little work but careful when the "paste" begins to cover the whole fabric feel & # 224; from that time almost a pleasure sensual caress objects, layering or juxtaposing colors depending on what my instinct tells me. (No "method" is not long and soon I just got carried away by brush)
Here's a little slideshow of my latest works. Two are original: the one I named in my head "the mistress of illusions" (A witch-Eve and hindered Pegasus) and the houses of the Valley Dommiers I see in my garden. The others are copies, one of a postcard, two other well-known Van Gogh (the famous church of Auvers sur Oise). I voluntarily "zoomed" into tables so that we see the multitudes of colored spots that form an array. When you look at all we do not see this work. Experience in a museum: people from approaching the tables. Now, look closely at a painting by Van Gogh or Monet, you'll be amazed that Labour will then appear!
How To Tell If A Scorpio Likes You
With this unusual warm daisies are back on the lawn!
And of course, inside there are beautiful orchids bloom again.
Turner Syndrome Missy Marlowe
Sahara, Gobi, Atacama, Huacachina, Death Valley, Namibia, these names resonate with our ears and our mind wanders to those vast regions desert.
We kept inside us atavistic curiosity of the time when humanity is in its infancy launched to die ; covered lands unknown, since the African Rift Valley to the steppes of Mongolia.
Saint-Exupery said:
I always loved the desert. It sits on a sand dune. We see nothing. We hear nothing. And yet something shines in silence.
Recently my little son William, undertook an extensive tour of South America. I borrowed a few images of Peruvian deserts I supplemented by others from the Web and gives you that little slide illustrated music by Pergolesi Stabat Mater.
Friday, January 11, 2008
White Wife Going Black
The site of Deezer online music, with its success, just to make profound changes in their site leads me & # 224; abandon. Indeed, it is possible to put a blog on the list of his favorite music (Its playlist). Listening to force you can no longer control the player and you are directed to their site (hello the pub!).
So I turn to radioblog.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Def Jam Records Internship 2010
Maeve is my little girl (Clara but there is also that early it does not even movies). So she borrowed me my camera and returned one hour after she moved in front of my computer to assemble the following:
Friday, January 4, 2008
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Driven by the same desire to write we met and have decided to & # 233; write every month about a new theme that defines each in turn. To compile these works we have created a blog:
The origin and training of 4 "writers" ; are very different and it is not surprising found that diversity in our writings.
The latest edition has taken the theme of a picture showing travelers on the train platform of Soissons.
You will find these 4 new to the table in the home page.
The previous edition showed a street in Soissons: Street gravel: street-of-gravel-soissons /