April 15 in late morning we changed the lens of my left eye. In surgical terms this is called a cataract operation. (Replacing the lens with an implant plexiglass)
It very fast and we do not suffer at all.
This morning I was removing the bandage with which you see me on the picture I took with my cell phone. (Yes I know: it's forbidden in a hospital!)
I asked a black headband to pirate, but the medical profession did not want!
the moment (a few hours after surgery) my eyesight is not very clear but it seems that it is normal for several days.
The most dramatic effect, immediately noticeable is that all colors appear ravivées.Vous you remember the pub on "OMO that washes whiter .."? Is the effect that it makes me when I look at the screen by closing the first operated eye and then reversing.
So I hope that sense of life will have new colors for me.
Meanwhile I look pass the time ...
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