A friend (Lisa B.) sent me the following;
"Attached pictures of the couple of magpies who are currently building a nest right outside the window & # 234; be my living room. They had begun to consolidate their nest last year, but it was completely devastated by the winds of last week. Still nothing when he had held all the time since last year. Here is a brand new nest they started there is a semaine.Il there is one that brings mud or foam and the other m & # 232; not twigs.
One often remains on the nest to try to put the twigs in the way that suits them while the other happens, covers a little the merits and leaves. It's fun to know observer.Je having seen the previous nest that will soon be covered. We are already seeing the side walls up gradually. The nests of magpies are all closed as a hollow ball, except a small side hole. "
The text was accompanied by a series of I give you pictures ...
To see the series of pictures click on the image of the magpie
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