It should be 11 hours. The morning started well: I woke up alive and well despite the almost-baked imitation of the previous day. The third coffee was swallowed, the job started well and, for once without too much stress. The old house behind was already dead. Everything was fine.
I even forgot the order placed a few days ago, booked by mail, scribbled hastily on a piece of paper and slipped just as quickly with the check in an envelope every idiot. Simple gestures, but performed strongly betraying my impatience. I
yet that day, forgot this command.
And the "factor" (there are still people in status factor ?) Rang. Once.
You better be alert, have genes of feline leap, if not the fellow locks into fourth gear. To be honest, I'm sure he does not wait 15 seconds. This time I took him by surprise, he had not yet turned around I chop the colbac, landing a triple tamashigueri venkipu to lateral rotation, and rob it of the parcel under his arm. Genes of feline.
I left him there, lying on the ground. The foam on his lips. I think the vultures took care of the carcass, I've never seen.
I went hurriedly into my den, triple tower closed the door and my fly was open (I reacted perhaps too quickly while I was under siege. Let the details).
There, I began opening the package.
Mazette! While a rugby team could train with no one suffered any vinyl would scratch!
shielded triple thick cardboard with bull bars and alloy wheels, stuck with a large resistance tape cast in 8000 tempered steel. After the death of two cutters rambosiens type "Toledo Blade", you'll land open to the precious folds. It opens in a last gasp of resistance ... there, you realize that more than cardboard, it is a sarcophagus that you come to desecrate! The packaging is fleece! Yes sweatshirt! A convoluted foam, which is when squeaker squeaker-trustest of SSEUS, lines the interior, so it drives
s warm, wrapped up in newspaper. Anyone who has seen his skeud massacred during shipping by a few careless postmen, losing but a vinyl pouch at least, knows how all this is important. The
others will wonder why all the antics, especially since it seems that it is now obviously a thinly disguised promotion for the stables Dirty Punk . Well because in addition to being a distro-rich street / punk / oi!, Coupled with a label for some time more or less specialist exhumation ... uh reissues of old glories punkoïdales, into the hands of master very nice guy who is more a buddy-draw another breath, and well he takes care of your stuff and it gonna t'dire, it amazes me ( rabbit) and it was as good as I splitting of some lines.
I even forgot the order placed a few days ago, booked by mail, scribbled hastily on a piece of paper and slipped just as quickly with the check in an envelope every idiot. Simple gestures, but performed strongly betraying my impatience. I
yet that day, forgot this command.
And the "factor" (there are still people in status factor ?) Rang. Once.
You better be alert, have genes of feline leap, if not the fellow locks into fourth gear. To be honest, I'm sure he does not wait 15 seconds. This time I took him by surprise, he had not yet turned around I chop the colbac, landing a triple tamashigueri venkipu to lateral rotation, and rob it of the parcel under his arm. Genes of feline.
I left him there, lying on the ground. The foam on his lips. I think the vultures took care of the carcass, I've never seen.
I went hurriedly into my den, triple tower closed the door and my fly was open (I reacted perhaps too quickly while I was under siege. Let the details).
There, I began opening the package.
Mazette! While a rugby team could train with no one suffered any vinyl would scratch!
shielded triple thick cardboard with bull bars and alloy wheels, stuck with a large resistance tape cast in 8000 tempered steel. After the death of two cutters rambosiens type "Toledo Blade", you'll land open to the precious folds. It opens in a last gasp of resistance ... there, you realize that more than cardboard, it is a sarcophagus that you come to desecrate! The packaging is fleece! Yes sweatshirt! A convoluted foam, which is when squeaker squeaker-trustest of SSEUS, lines the interior, so it drives

others will wonder why all the antics, especially since it seems that it is now obviously a thinly disguised promotion for the stables Dirty Punk . Well because in addition to being a distro-rich street / punk / oi!, Coupled with a label for some time more or less specialist exhumation ... uh reissues of old glories punkoïdales, into the hands of master very nice guy who is more a buddy-draw another breath, and well he takes care of your stuff and it gonna t'dire, it amazes me ( rabbit) and it was as good as I splitting of some lines.
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