The little weakness we have here for The Company She has bad breath should not be hidden. We love these gins, that is said. Radical, slamming and direct the punkrock of LSEAMH into his head like a knife in butter in the summer. The 4 tracks here are no exception to the rule of effectiveness without being tempted by the ease or structures boats.
"Good Cop" and "Thou shalt ... and shut up!" are part of the breviary of the anarchist group known as the peel and spit at your leisure in a very good way.
On the song "Good Cop" There's still an argument that bothers me: "... / more time to have qualms / They will never do for you / ..." , yes it is very likely, I'm in agreement. But as an example, it is certainly not to them [the cops] I think first.
Beijing 36 ... no matter where you play the game of capital provided there is the thrill of profit.
The Bomb: An excellent recovery of blatant Eli (a piece that I had not heard since at least 15 years! When will the cover of "The Ship of Fools"?).
Nothing but good? Yeah, m'enfin, you were warned.
Pavilionul 32 were Romanians, what they do is dirty, will soon double or triple song ... short is between the crust and hardcore punk. They taste good to sing in their language with texts not rotten (violence at concerts, solidarity, the notion of legality ...) which is rare and (therefore?) Honestly significant. The songs alternate bourrinent ... well slap the battery (the sound is very clear, just like Grid, it is most pleasant in their key). But a pair of plays is still necessary to begin to appreciate what, at first glance, is very simple, that's not to say all comers. It is a kind of do not do in detail, so I understand, but without subtlety and with my brain aging, I'm not sure I remember the songs in a few hours.
No less than 6 labels for a prod which throws. Produce a split ep is now an act of resistance!
"Good Cop" and "Thou shalt ... and shut up!" are part of the breviary of the anarchist group known as the peel and spit at your leisure in a very good way.
On the song "Good Cop" There's still an argument that bothers me: "... / more time to have qualms / They will never do for you / ..." , yes it is very likely, I'm in agreement. But as an example, it is certainly not to them [the cops] I think first.
Beijing 36 ... no matter where you play the game of capital provided there is the thrill of profit.
The Bomb: An excellent recovery of blatant Eli (a piece that I had not heard since at least 15 years! When will the cover of "The Ship of Fools"?).
Nothing but good? Yeah, m'enfin, you were warned.
Pavilionul 32 were Romanians, what they do is dirty, will soon double or triple song ... short is between the crust and hardcore punk. They taste good to sing in their language with texts not rotten (violence at concerts, solidarity, the notion of legality ...) which is rare and (therefore?) Honestly significant. The songs alternate bourrinent ... well slap the battery (the sound is very clear, just like Grid, it is most pleasant in their key). But a pair of plays is still necessary to begin to appreciate what, at first glance, is very simple, that's not to say all comers. It is a kind of do not do in detail, so I understand, but without subtlety and with my brain aging, I'm not sure I remember the songs in a few hours.
No less than 6 labels for a prod which throws. Produce a split ep is now an act of resistance!

site: LSEAMH
label: Kawaii Records / The Company Pue / Crazy / We Told you to play fast / Alterys / Asso Domi
label: Kawaii Records / The Company Pue / Crazy / We Told you to play fast / Alterys / Asso Domi
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