Saturday, February 19, 2011

Snowboard Movies On Itunes

The Scarred "At Half Mast" Lp 11 tracks

Ricans have not finished our nerves. Yeah, what's more enjoyable than hating a pure product of Uncle Sam? Except spit in the face of a journalist for Canal +, I do not see. And in our own spheres
punkoïdales was spoiled for choice ... but what Dirty Punk? He arranged us find the good. But right from the junk food, the recurrent financial crises, the U.S. imperialism without concession, is not anti-French not to flatter our anti-Americanism? It's disgusting. How, with all the pettiness that characterizes me, the courage of mine (that of a surfer warm stashed behind his keyboard) am I going to say bad about a band that plays well and happens to be fun while being purely and simply in line with the punk-rock American ultra-typed and graded?
I confess that I dug a little head.
first reaction: that I tense up the cabbage leaf facing the big sound. Inflated, worked and clean. And if biau Capiau singer does not evoked that of Tim Armstrong ( who is not black, but white skin ) [singer] of Rancid, the sounds of punk rock is damn good remind us of the relationship (between Rancid & Scarred The , and many other groups who walk in the footsteps of the first ...). Second
reflex: to put prejudices or hasty judgments in the back and be lulled by the flow (yo!).
Low Life or Panic! me exhilarated the chimneys, rotating loop side B. Because even if I am not an aficionado of punk rock a little too well done, it must be recognized when the melodies or songs are well constructed and are fly. And he does not play it as much as the references cited above.
So, even if it costs me, I Quit five minutes to do evil spirit: this is not bad at all, fans of big-big rock and roll, good street, with choruses, power and the whole shebang, will find their weight in peanut butter.
So logically that comes from parturition Dirty Punk Records the form of a beautiful transparent red vinyl version of the third European album called thugs cd released in 2009.

Now playing, a good example of what can these gins
( Low Life)
Website (shabby construction, and linking to all sites "social" that do nothing new except dollars at their [s] developer [s]): The Scarred
Label: Dirty Punk Records

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Offal + The Company She has bad breath - split LP - 7 + 8 titles

anarchopunk The French finally has a real key. And not the middle, which is a minor note but not so average that had to choose, prefer the first course also a C major as the finger that (I always talk about the anarchopunk) brandished openly against authority. Musically, there are few similarities between the style in question played by people born between the Maginot Line and the Atlantic coast, and he laid by fanatics from across the Channel. Yet nothing is written and nothing causes them to stereotype that. And yet ... French exception - my good sir - is there and is, in this case, a history of rhythm. Or almost. But I will not dwell on it, I know who are already passed to the next column, or have simply transferred this blog rotten their bookmarks by right clicking furiously. I am content with just adding that one should identify all the groups currently with box-to-rhythms and to count the anarchists in the lot. To see. There would be surprises. And my thesis it would almost certainly true.

Since demos, LSEAMH has kept an approach and a style characteristic: punk-rock live, mixed with double gueulante, always tense and aggressive, the guitars very stressed and has a low, but each time more worked, and swirling percussion, tunes and some tunes. Concessions? Ben maquache. They take the small Sante Geronimo by the hand and show him how a pot for him to stop playing with that knife, one day he will hurt someone that apache! Such a gesture is an honorable citizen. It's beautiful.
servoing, lobotomy, power and handling ... whenever I listen to on these topics, I tell myself "there's no doubt, at least they are around." Must say that there is room.
The Company has the luxury to take standards and / or friends to have fun story and it is generally welcome (Nacht & Nebel, Haine Brigade, Ant Delta). And Offal
in? Pshaw ... ago as a family resemblance ... similar, not identical. Hardcore or more - let's crazy - crust, perhaps? [Resuming Aus Rottent proves] Leger, but palpable. While musically, I find the whole less catchy than the opposite side.
Well, we can not say that these two groups were not found. This split is evident. A bit like beer with fries. Does
Did not we almost finished with this whole dispute?! The authority, the media, nothing is there so thanks to them?! Everything is trampled, everything!
And we want more.
Oh yeah, no. I must say the evil brothel fuck-ass! Why qu'y'a rin eud ' marked on eul 'slice m'pochette, huh?! When j'range skeud min in the nightclub, I can nin the ledge!

If I have a very strong preference for the title "Scrap your TV" (The Society) and his final song does not play here because full is on their website (see below).
Labels: Punk's shadow; Dissidance records; Maloka ;
We Told you to play fast; Deviance
et encore plein d'autres...
Site web : La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Attempt of ENGLISH resume

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Vector Collective

Vector conversations clinical
Variations on the transfer

You will find the presentation of this vector in the archives in January 2010.
This study group is open, you can join us.

Next meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 21:15
College Freud, 31 rue de Navarino, Paris 9th

We begin the discussion on the contributions of Seminar XI on the transfer. See especially the following chapters: 10 and 11, then 14 to 20.

Subsequent Meetings: Wednesday March 30, April 27, May 25, June 29

Carol Herrmann: 01 45 57 17 16 - 06 78 65 91 25 -

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conversations clinical psychoanalysis and cinema

Collective psychoanalysis and cinema
next meeting will be Saturday, February 12 at 18:30 ;
17 rue Baudoin 75013 Paris

Program: Laughter Bergson presented by Julian and Jennifer Rejl Lepesqueur.

From there we will conclude in March our investigation into the springs of laughter in the structural framework of the analytic experience: how the film reveals that today, in a time before, was in the shade? In this respect, the study proposed the last time by David Mabin on laughter of the Joker in the movie titled so equivocal and not without reason: The Dark Knight ( released in 2008 and C. Nolan) was very well done: An essential step in the logic of our work. On the heroism and sacrifice in our postmodern world says, This film shows the essential, provided the press a bit to get out a good juice.

This study followed the Mene, Mene, Tekel, oupharsin Coen Brothers (see the beginning of the film The Lady Killers (2004)) which we Elisabetta Fournier maintained in early session, and resonates beautifully, it is very striking, with the familiar words of Lacan (p 336 Other Writings ): "If it appears on the wall for everyone to read, that you care about an empire down. The thing is reported in good place. But in the same breath, is attributed to the filling Almighty, so that the hole is closed at the same time that we take it back, and it does not even care that by this artifice the crash itself serves as a bulwark against a major desire, desire to sleep . "
" it can say something, but knows that no subject " is what the film by the Coen brothers, who can not but remind us , particularly in their latest film ( Serious Man released in 2010 in France) where in fact the empire of meaning in religion among others, took a big hit!
For more information 06 07 23 39 29

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Children Seminar on Science

Seminar children science
Saturday, February 12 at 12am at Hospital Bichat
Chiray Amphitheatre (next to motherhood)
6 rue Henri Huchard - Paris 18th

You are cordially invited to attend the seminar Prof. François Ansermet - "Children of science"
It is provided as part of the activity Center of Dominique Mahieu-Caputo and Paris Nord Perinatal Network.
In this seminar we will continue reading the complex family around the complex intrusion from the subsequent positioning of Lacan on the mirror stage, still confronting the teaching of Lacan to questions from the perinatal clinic and biotechnology news on life at stake in this field. Lacan "The family complexes" and the seminar XI

Registration by mail nouria.grundler @

Monday, January 24, 2011

Black And Cream Bedding

Bombettes The "Get out of my trailer, sailor!" Lp 10 tracks

C'te group had thrilled the lobe on a few titles Eps. The album was released without fanfare last year (the label that has sunk apathy in the most total), I'd be missed if I do not assiduously followed the fate of groups that I like. The dozen or so titles are spinning; sauce (always this mix of punk rock - not sugary guitars - and almost pop - strong female voice singing but sometimes even "naive" between acid and sweet) is admirably throughout of the wafer. A major criticism is to make them for me: the wrong choice in the order of songs. When we take a hit like "Cherry shot", which by its gimmicks guitars, hanging badly, we do not immediately put on the front line, directly on the forehead! No, we cherish (easy that one), one grooming, we love lovingly at the heart of the wheel: in the middle of the album, two songs mean to revive a pace likely to falter!
But once and for all why sing in English when the suits at both the Swedish punk-rock?! At least texts that do not fly above would get the benefit of the doubt as to their depth. What's
aut 'is wrong? A bit too mild satisfaction may be ... although this band of babes plays cleverly "offset".

Well, well, because the choice is self-drive tube ( Cherry Shot ):

Label: Ny vag
Website: none , just a maillespèce uninteresting.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Food For Indentions On The Skin


Courier Side of Paris in January 2011
"A good year 2011, although intranquille"
The year 2010 ended for This Side of the Consultative Assembly of 17 December which was voted unanimously the moral report of the Director of the Financial Report and Towards 2009, we thank very warmly all members present or represented at this meeting. We were able to speak at the meeting with Jean-Daniel and Pierre Naveau + Matet president and vice president of the ECF + of the task facing our association, namely in the form + JD + Matet a "readability , "in Lacanian psychoanalysis orientation in the city, this will be our roadmap for the year.

As we invite the ECF February 5 as the Lacan and Disquiet the psychoanalyst, the afternoon of study planned by the ACF and The Other Side of Paris as part of the workshop reading of texts of Lacan has been postponed to Saturday, March 26, the guest is Francis March 26 Leguil.
Thursday, January 19 we will do the evening of c- artel seminar on the appointment with Bernard and Jothy Paolo Siqueira, this event will be held at 24 rue Bayen in Paris 17ème Métro Ternes at 21h . Then the
January 21 (instead and times will be announced later) Nouria Gründler hosts meeting Marie-Hélène Brousse and François Ansermet around the latter's book The puzzles fun, written with Pierre Magistretti (Editions Odile Jacob, September 2010)
vectors and the collective 'Towards resume their work see. following dates and information.

We will then prepare the meeting Pipol V Mental health is she? This question of what mental health was addressed by Eric Lawrence in an article in the first issue of Mind in which he repeated this assertion as health Lacan Physics is "the silence of the organs", "Mental health is what ensures the silence of the Other, as silence is the silence of the organs" he writes. This will put it in tension with what Lacan writes about Schreber in question preliminary to any possible treatment of psychosis, namely, "his effort to reply," "effort to reply maintain the Other "added Eric Lawrence during his lecture at the Flipside about Schreber and psychosis. Mental health could she not be defined as this effort by everyone to stay in the Other, even when the Other does not exist, or when the other speaks too much, or when that Other is a little too much sign of either her or hate His love?
Moreover, most the other disappears, the more disquiet is to go. It is therefore Intranquilles be the right way, it is the wish I have for the members of This Side, for new members in particular we welcome: Marie-Christine Baillehache Constance Broca, Dominique Charpenel Janis Jails, Olivier and Nathalie Stephan Miani. Finally we will
several evenings with guests around the issue of mental health: Didier Cremniter will talk about the suicides of teenagers today, and we'll talk with Cinzia Crosal depression today from his book Depression, affect central modernity. At the time
Wikileaks surfing the desire for transparency, we check the relevance of anticipation of our guidance. JA Miller has organized a few years ago a forum on the issue of secrecy, the fact to preserve a right to privacy, and if anything can be said in a cure, not-all can be known by all, and we see So today Julian Assange - the director of Wikileaks - grappling with a certain anxiety of "assigned house "in an English castle. He who, by distributing hundreds of thousands of computer messages, hit the semblance of world diplomacy, is being hit by a real and reported in an interview made with thoughts of fear for his physical safety, it is quieter at all.
For the psychoanalyst it is of course another way of being unquiet, but also "denies the power of appearances" Through the experience of psychoanalysis completed, he knows there is no "symbolic order". This is not a given. As evidenced disorder is symbolic of the real lalangue. So from the unmasking of a real symbolic order can be restored. "Eric Lawrence, because Freudian No. 76 p 150.

Good Disquiet at all, Marie-Claude Sureau

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Vector conversations

Vector conversations clinical
Variations on the transfer

You will find the presentation of this vector in the archives January 2010.
This study group is open, you can join us.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 26 at 21:15
Freudian College, 31 rue de Navarino, Paris 9th

Camille Vernière we will present the work of psychologist as part of a firm of prevention and management of psychosocial risks. His questioning will revolve around the "clinical profile" (phone, email and chat) and transfer.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 21:15
College Freud, 31 rue de Navarino, Paris 9th

We begin the discussion on the contributions of Seminar XI on the transfer. See especially the following chapters: 10 and 11, then 14 to 20.

Subsequent Meetings: Wednesday March 30, April 27, May 25, June 29

Carol Herrmann: 01 45 57 17 16 - 06 78 65 91 25 -

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clinical appointment

Seminar "The names and appointment"
Next meeting January 19 to 21h
24 rue Bayen , 75017 Paris, metro Ternes

Paolo Siqueira speak on the theme Three modes of appointment: the heteronymous Fernando Pessoa Severin the Universal, and a child named Lul has
Fernando Pessoa was first singled out by denying that we put a caret over the letter O in his name but it has not been sufficient to to make a name. Indeed, it has created other names - of poets whose "personality" (Portuguese Pessôa means the person) and even physical and faces (seeming Portuguese) were different from hers - to build works in various styles and aesthetics that he assigned. These new poets heteronyms - arisen in a day of ecstasy of the poet which he called "The triumphant day of my life" - first appointed Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reisqui have all left their works considerable. Consequently, Fernando Pessoa himself has been relegated under orthonym the poet. At the end of his Fernando Pessoa life had created more than 70 heteronyms, not to mention his English protonymes (Search and Robert Anon and others) and French (Le Chevalier de Pas Seul and Jean Méluret).
Everything else, the poet "Pernambuco, João Cabral de Melo Neto was able to use the name of Severin to give not only a universal appeal because it is the name of many people in his homeland - The Backwoods of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil - but still has a qualifying life and death in his famous poem, Life and Death Severine. Finally
Luiz Inacio da Silva, a child born in the same Sertão Brazilian state of Pernambuco, who later became President of Brazil, introduced to adulthood in his own name the name we give to his country all children who are named "Luiz" Lula. The name his parents gave him and found his birth certificate has become, through his own initiative, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the name under which he registered in the history of his country and world.
she function can be given to these three modes of appointment in psychoanalysis?

1) Fernando Pessoa "Poetical Works" - Bibliotheque de la Pleiade - NRF - Gallimard 2001 Paris
2) Fernando Pessoa - Jean Seul Méluret "Aqui jaz França A Merda "-" Ci - Damn Lies, France "
a bilingual edition in The Shadow Line - Portugal 2009
3) Paulo Siqueira," Pessoa single and multiple "a bilingual text published in the Journal of the Courier of the EEP - Development "- OUT SERIES entitled" PESSOA - TRUNK OF THE NOVEL "- Paris 2001
4) João Cabral de Melo Neto, "Vida e Morte Severina" in Obra Completa, Editora Nova Aguilar, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
5) Denise Paraná, Lula's Child Brazil, French translation by François Bourin Editeur, 2010. This book was published in Brazil as Lula, o filho do Brasil Editora Ltda Objetiva, Rio de Janeiro 2009. This book has served the Brazilian scenario to the film of the same name directed by cinéasteRenato Barreto, who represented Brazil in the Oscar at Hollywood Film Festival this year 2010.
"Lula, o filho do Brail" is also the title of a doctoral thesis by Denise Paraná, published in Brazil by Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, Sao Paulo, including the 3rd. edition was published in Brazil in 2009, 527 pages ..

Jothy Bernard will speak on the theme Under the name of child ghost .

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Seminar on Children Seminar on Science Seminar

Children Seminar on Science

Saturday, January 22 from 12h to 14h
GH Bichat - Claude Bernard Chiray Auditorium (next to motherhood)
46 rue Henri Huchard 75018 Paris

Prof. François Ansermet - psychoanalyst, Chief of Child Psychiatry and Adolescent Geneva, member of the ECF % E2% 80% 99avenir des Neurosciences-2010-12-20.html - continues his education in the context of the activity center that combines CAPUTO Dominique Mahieu both a consultation dedicated to women and couples and education for all maternity professionals, members of RPPN and ACF.

In this seminar we will continue reading the complex family around the complex intrusion from the subsequent positions Lacan on the mirror stage, still confronting the teaching of Lacan questions from the perinatal clinic and biotech news on life at stake in this field. Lacan "The family complexes" and the seminar XI

Register with Nouria Gründler email nouria.grundler @

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treatment of the subject in speeches


The first 9:15 p.m. Friday, January 28
80, rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001

We invite those who wish to come and work on the question of the subject and discourse, from the perspective of psychoanalytic discourse. where does the issue today in confronting "the new real as evidenced by the discourse of civilization hypermodern" (JA Miller "A fantasy" - Mental No. 15)? What makes this place both speech and others that he always coexist, those J Lacan formalized in the late sixties? We want to work this issue in several ways: by reading the texts of Lacan in this respect, inviting colleagues Freudian field to talk about the place where they have to do the flip of speech by inviting people from outside our field to testify from their own perspective and position in society.

Information: Rose Mary Bognar: osemarie.bognar r @ Sylvie Dest: s.destas @ or Rene Fiori - mail @

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Workshop Towards cosmopolitan

Workshop Towards cosmopolitan

At our last meeting in early evening, an exchange could take place from the article by Jacques-Alain Miller, When the treatment stops ( Quarto No. 96), presented by Françoise Burlot.
The second part of the evening was spent working on "fundamentals" with the presentation of the case of Little Hans by Barbara Wolff.

Next Meetings Monday, January 24 to 21h.

We will work on the texts of Freud
1) 1923: The disappearance of the Oedipus complex, in sexual life.
2) 1930: On female sexuality in sexual life.
3) 1933: Femininity, in New Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis (Lecture 33).

The first text will be presented by Stéphane Montagnier and two by Helen Skavinski.

Information: Elfi Lefeuvre Killachidou at elfi.lefeuvre @

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Collective Psychoanalysis and Cinema Brazil

collective psychoanalysis and cinema

Next meeting Friday, January 14, 20H 30
75013 Paris 17 rue Baudoin

Programme: Elisabetta Fournier concludes Witz and Mene, Mene, Tekel, UPHARSIN the Coen brothers, and then David Mabin continues, with Burton's Batman and Nolan, the laughter of the Joker.

For more information 06 07 23 39 29

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Collective Brazil

The Collective
Brazil met Nov. 12 with the participation of all its members, to define, from the psychoanalytic clinic, the axes of future work on the issue of appointment and the symbolic order in twenty-first century and the implications for treatment. What we mean by the symbolic order in psychoanalysis today?
What we mean by the symbolic order in a modernity where what does not work has no place? Contemporaneity has its requirements, certainly, and psychoanalysis must engage. Faced with the challenges presented, how to respond and how to build our clinic from an ethics charge?
The register of the symbolic order, we put in value and by reference to the question of the appointment is, by Jacques Alain Miller, equivalent to the theory of knowledge in the real world. In reality, this is a first step in the direction of knowledge in the real world.

Freud wanted with the drive, name something real. This poses a major difficulty in the last teaching of Lacan: that, according to Miller, "On the go mingle with the signifier, of the order of reality. "

Between appointment and symbolic order, there is a process, a specific point of agreement. The appointment is "an assumption that reality is consistent with the symbolic." It touches the real misfires involving the reference that does not stop moving. In the proper name, for example, there is a dimension of the reference, which always calls a complement. We have, in the proper name, an anchoring point between the symbolic and real from what we are left with the imaginary world as representation. Miller noted that if one does not assume the agreement of the symbolic and real, then we must introduce an act which can be observed that the major anchoring point which is the name of the father: "he who takes the act of appointment, and thereby linking the symbolic and real. "

because the appointment is an assumption, "the pastoral care of the symbolic and real," as Miller puts it, requires us to ask: what becomes reality in the knot? Which is it real? Miller gives us clues, trails to be explored: the real is excluded from the meaning it is off camera, "just a poor round of string as disjointed as the symbolic and the imaginary." Explicit what the phrase "beyond meaning". It is the sense of reality off leaving ajar the possibility of meaning on reality, know about reality, but always from the perspective of real meaning as excluded.

This last dimension of Lacan questions the link between the symbolic and the real and invites us to think from their disjunction, a relation of exteriority between the two is to say their failure to report.

The issues raised then the appointment and the symbolic order in this century and the implications for the treatment, we will deepen over the next two years, and address them through psychoanalytic treatment to be submitted by each according to his own practice.

We start our work by reading The Wolf Man to Freud, and the article by Jacques Alain Miller - Review of the NLS, No. 72 and No. 73 - The Man wolves.

At our next meeting each must submit his reflection in a small writing.

Next meeting January 21 21h 15
Freudian College, 75009 Paris 31 rue Navarino

For more information

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Collective Collective Collective Brazil

Collective Brazil
group on female

Meetings are held every second Friday of each month from 20:30 to 10/12/2010. Co-chairs: Rosane Padilla Caliandra Oliveira, Camila Popadiuk, Luciana Castilho de Souza and Patrick Monteiro de Almeida.
After 30 years since the death of Jacques Lacan our Collective Brazil - The Women - undertakes to rethink the contemporary issues on women. It is there a female beyond Lacan? After all the achievements of women in the history of our civilization which claims are still made by those behind?
We begin with a quotation from Jacques Lacan: "... the woman has great freedom in the place of pretense. It happens even to give weight to a man who has none. "(Lacan, Jacques. The Seminar XVIII, p.35, 1971)
In this seminar Lacan opens the way to contemporary issues of sex and gender we suggest reading Robert Stoller. We will use this path to further gender - as a division between men and women beyond anatomy - entered in the contemporary discourse. In his teaching, Lacan moves the issue of gender identification on the side of the Oedipus and Freud articulates the side of enjoyment.
We revisit the current literature of feminist writers who have made a link with psychoanalysis in the light of Lacan's teaching. This research will allow us both to understand the points that intersect and those who differ in order to point out the limits flights each speeches.
News about recent developments on such studies is part of various fields: political, social, literary, philosophical, among others, and both the field of psychoanalysis. If we take the two fundamental criticisms of the feminist movement, namely, the policy of compulsory heterosexuality and the sexual hierarchy of the binary, we will always remain attached to the phallocentric logic of domination, domination by the alleged movement. In paradox, the challenge of contemporary women's movement points to a multiplication of meanings of femininity beyond the binarism and phallocentrism, moving away from gender equality.
Thus, we can notice that many feminist writers based on psychoanalytic theory to understand the issue of women, but what we find is that there is mostly a reading uninformed impasses own development theory psychotherapy. In this context we can find critics who point to the binarism sexual Oedipus Complex, phallocentrism, to causality penis envy (attributed by feminists to economic and social foundations), with female sexuality as that masquerade in female masochism and sexual identification. Thus, it is to highlight the controversial points of psychoanalytic theory identified by the feminist movement.
Consequently, the theoretical debate between these two fields is not only still present but it is also necessary, from our point of view, to illuminate the side of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory point of the theory of mounded of gender studies. On one side we see is often a gap between the use of concepts of psychoanalysis made by these authors and concepts of psychoanalytic theory itself, on the other hand there is sometimes a different orientation between these two speeches from the female subject. So we wonder whether the question of femininity may be a connection point between these two speeches.
From the psychoanalytic discourse we outline the scope of our work on the relationship between psychoanalytic theory and feminist theory about the meaning female. To do this we will leave three theoretical axes, namely: The axis images (corresponding to Lacan's teaching for years 50/60), the axis of the symbolic and identifications (In the 60/70 of his teaching) and the axis of the pleasures of performance (from the 70s until the end of his teaching).
Next meeting January 14 at 20:30
in Rosane Padilla
15 rue Saint Sabin 75011 Paris

to work with the text "The meaning of the phallus" (1958) in response to criticism of Simone de Beauvoir in her book "The Second Sex" by Cynthia Kraus repeatedly addressed to psychoanalysis

Information: Rosane Padilla Tel: 06 22 79 76 75

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Freudian readings

Collective Freudian readings

Since September, we met five times. After putting the final reading and translating Ichspaltung im Abwehrvorgang - The division of the subject in the process of defense - latest text of Freud, we have approached the study of Konstruktionen in der Analysis - Constructionen in the analysis, Freud wrote in 1937.
Freud compares the analyst's work to that of the archaeologist. He prefers the construction of interpretation. The latter accounts for only a short time of treatment, a dream, a joke, a slip or a missed note. The construction cons embraces large pieces of the life of the analysand. The archaeologist as the analyst searches, finds buried sites and buildings of the past. He speaks of "verschüttete Wohnstätten.
The analyst is preferred because it has to do with hardware alive, while the archaeologist has to deal with ruins, dead objects. An analysis can complement his story, fill gaps, not the archeologist, the objects are buried in different layers, which moved over the centuries. The discussion on the translation of the word verschüttet can last long without that we find the right word. Either Ausgrabungen, we have translated "exhumations. We will resume the discussion around that word next time.
In previous articles, I have not enough emphasis on the translation work, research best word can we do in our group. This work takes a lot. There is an Italian colleague in the group, sometimes we go through to find the Italian word French. We spend several languages anyway, we travel from one language to another.

Information Suzanne Hommel or

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Seeking Cartel


We remind you that the registration of cartels from the ECF must be made before January 15.

The Wrong Side of Paris offers its members and to all those non-members who wish to participate in work as a cartel and have not yet emerged from the ECF to centralize their applications in order to contact those who wish to work on the same subjects

Please send a short text your contact details to contact you (email, phone) and the subject or subjects on which you want to work

Send your requests by email to Marie-Claude Sureau mc.sureau @ and Dominique Charpenel dominique.charpenel @

following proposals currently registered
Working on seminars Lacan

Seminar XVI: From an Other to the other

Seminar X: Anxiety
Soledad Penafiel 06 35 55 71 81 ;
Seminar XXII: RSI

XXIII Seminary ;: The sinthome

Work topics
La cure et ses enjeux

The preliminary talks

The graph of desire

The appointment

Failure sex

female transmission
Soledad Penafiel 06 35 55 71 81

The virtual loss of anchorage in reality the twenty-first century th

Basketball Warmup Songs

News of ECF



organized with the CERED CIEN and RI3

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Palais des Congrès d'Issy-les-Moulineaux
Metro Line 12 - Station Mairie d'Issy

Partners fierce that populate the world of children, phobic symptoms encountered in the clinic, fear of school and fear at school as evidenced by more and more young people, such are the issues discussed at this Study Day by stakeholders, collecting the work being done for several years in the institutions of the International Network of Institutions Infantiles (RI3), in regional groups of the Centre for Study and Research on the Children in the Speech Analytics (CERED) and the inter-disciplinary laboratories of the International Center on Child (CIEN).

This first Institute Day of the Child will also be an opportunity to hear from our guests on the child's place in contemporary social link.

INFORMATION: journee.institut.enfant @
On the blog:
Registration Form
The newsletter "Zapper"
Info Practical hotels

On EuroFédération Psychoanalysis
Listings Online:
Information: +32 (0) 484 100 109

On EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis

A little history
The European School of Psychoanalysis (EEP) was born in 1990, anticipating the birth of the MPA (1992). Founded as the Other European School of the Freudian Cause it brought together so many groups - in Europe and beyond - that referred in one way or another to the Lacanian orientation. Since its creation, are born of these groups, three schools that received EEP within it: Escuela of Lacanian Psicoanálisis (ELP) in Spain created in 2000, the Scuola di Lacanian Psicoanalisi (SLP) in Italy created in 2002 and the New Lacanian School (NLS), which includes many countries in Europe and elsewhere, created in 2003.
In 2008, the EEP has decided to become a European Federation Schools of Psychoanalysis (FEEP). The ECF has agreed to take part. Now there was a federation comprising four Schools of the WAP in Europe with a goal defined by its first president Vicente Palomera, was to create "an institutional basis for more coordinated and effective European dimension, to fight against ideology of the evaluation and its legislative initiatives [and] to combat certain health policies applied to mental health in the countries of the European Union. The first political action the FEEP was the establishment of a European observatory "to discuss and" oppose the 'politics of civilization' cognitive promoted throughout Europe by the bureaucracies of State ". The journal Mind and PIPOL Meeting 4 of the Freudian Field in 2009 organized by the FEEP, were the major tools of this policy. Moreover, FEEP, coordinated with the GPA, held extimate some functions to the European Schools. The cartel was happening in the English language and registered as a cartel FEEP. Readers of the Journal of Days will recall the debate that has raised the ELP around the tension between "local" and "distant." Italy has also held a "Seminar-AMP FEEP" within the SLP, led by Eric Lawrence, the then President of the GPA, including the major challenge was dealing with issues of school. ;

From FEEP to EuroFédération Psychoanalysis
The transformation of FEEP EuroFédération in Psychoanalysis (EFP), which was recorded in June 2010 during a General Assembly the FEEP, is the result of a meeting with Jacques-Alain Miller in the preparation of PIPOL 5 in Brussels in January this year. It responds to a reading of the current political reality on the psychoanalytic terms "external" and "internal".
Externally, the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis reflects a desire to move from the "observatory", though necessary, an action phase. The ideology of the generalized evaluation, propagation CBT practices, initiatives laws concerning the psychological field attacking psychoanalysis, attempts to marginalization practices of speech by the rise of the neurosciences and the market for psychotropic drugs are all parts of a monstrous machine that is not enough to study, criticize, denounce. We now give our community of Lacanian orientation consistency of a grain of sand that becomes lodged in these infernal workings at a European level, we can no longer limited to local fight in every country - even if Of course it keeps its importance.
Internally, the transformation of VET FEEP is taken into account "the Paris event" of November 2009. On the one hand, this event brought the center of the ethics of the psychoanalyst and his training, his own relationship to the unconscious, with the pass to horizon. On the other hand, he gave voice to the "newcomers" - belonging to what Jacques-Alain Miller has called the "Generation Forum" - which are attached to the ECF from its political commitment. The ambition is to support this EuroFédération knotting paradox between collective political commitment and broad-scale and the principle of "demassification of utterance." Furthermore, VET continues to hold the offices of those who were with FEEP PGA European schools. It involved, among others, the debate within the ELP for the follow-up to the device's happening in this school. On this issue, things will be resolved in the coming months. She also continues to support a "seminar AMP-VET" in the Italian school, the SLP.

A community working
European VET did not create the European community of Lacanian psychoanalysis orientation: this community is already working. However, it must be structured to gain a consistency effective symbolic. Both are required for this purpose; one hand, it is to cross the boundaries of community organization working around a country, a school, a language to open up the dimension European. On the other hand, it is giving Many body that represents all members of the Lacanian orientation of the GPA and the Freudian Field in Europe.
The creation of a European meaning for psychoanalysis, supported by a large number of members, will be a card that could represent us and, we hope to open our doors instances of the European Union political issues that concern psychoanalysis. Moreover, this new meaning will affect the lives of our schools and our working groups. It should encourage a flurry of exchanges between members of groups who see themselves in their common membership the EuroFédération, whatever the country, language and the school to which they refer.

directories of Psychoanalysis EuroFédération

Both the EuroFédération directories - Directory Regions and Directory Members - contribute to this body into our European community. Their development is coordinated by Guy Poblome, secretary of the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis.
The Yearbook of Regions
A first version of this directory was circulated with PIPOL NEWS No. 5, June 30, 2010, as well as on the lists of the four schools VET (Communiqué No. 1 EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis). It contains 55 regions, listed alphabetically, and 78 sub-regions, households in which a small psychoanalytic community is active in a region. This directory reflects the introduction of Lacanian psychoanalysis policy in Europe. Each region or subregion has its "Regional Representative". The names and contact information Regional Representatives are specified in the directory. Thus, the yearbook of the regions linking the local groups of members and VET representing the European community of Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation. It is being developed. A final version will be printed and distributed.
The Members' Directory
The membership directory of EuroFédération Psychoanalysis is built. There is a list of people who are part of a school, institution or group in the Freudian Field Eurofédération regions. The inclusion in this directory does not guarantee no training or practice of the participant, because it falls within the Schools of the GPA, but reflects the membership of the member to the great work community that is interested and supports the cause of analytical Lacanian orientation, as in Europe, propelled by the Schools of AMP and the Freudian Field. To appear in the directory, the participant must be a member of a group or an institution recognized by the EuroFédération.
First European Congress of Psychoanalysis: 5 PIPOL
2 and July 3 2011, under the title "Mental Health is she?" Will take place on First European Congress of Psychoanalysis in Brussels, the capital of Europe (see argument in different languages in PIPOL NEWS No. 12). This Congress will be held with simultaneous translation in five languages: English, French, English, Italian, Dutch. While the founding convention of the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis, this Congress inherits the name of the series of meetings held so far PIPOL the Freudian Field, which gave psychoanalysis a Lacanian orientation fundamental.
PIPOL 5 will epistemic and political significance: it questions the very concept of mental health intervention and policy in this area. Moreover, it will highlight the effects of "Paris event" by inviting members of the EuroFédération to indicate a point of "Madness" thereby tensioning the "good "mental health.


EuroFédération The Psychoanalytic after FEEP ensures over Editor of the journal Mind. A European review, high quality epistemic politically engaged around issues of Mental Health since its inception in 1995. Mental and disseminate the priority concerns of EuroFédération. Yves Vanderveken who just finished his term as editor of the journal Quarto has invested, without taking leave in the new position of Editor of Mind. Readers are invited to read his detailed plan, published in NEWS PIPOL 6.
Site A new website has been the EuroFédération created, orchestrated by Dominique Holvoet, Special Delegate of VET for this project. This site is available in four languages of VET schools. It contains founding documents, a presentation of the EFP, text discussion, a section on "Mind", information on the Congress PIPOL 5, an area of "members" for directories of VET etc.. site address:

This electronic mailing list was created in April 2010 to propel a debate to PIPOL 5. With the transformation of VET FEEP, PIPOL becomes NEWS Electronic Newsletter EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis. The editors of the bulletin is the responsibility of the President of the EFP, with the help of Pascal Simonet ACF-Belgium for writing. It is broadcast in four languages of VET schools. Archives of the Bulletin are available on the site. Adherents of EuroFédération who have not yet done so are invited to register PIPOL NEWS by sending an empty email to the address Next:


If a Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis is a subject1, he must undoubtedly Other ... and a lack in the Other. He needs another so that its meanings can circulate, renew themselves dialectical. The transformation of the European Federation of Schools of Psychoanalysis (FEEP) EuroFédération in Psychoanalysis (EFP) is an example of such a move signifying the effects of which, hopefully, are or will be real. But it is also a mean loss of the Other. This, in S (A) barred, that the School A has its foundations. A hole dug in the middle of the school, a point of not knowing, which makes the alien Other to become the Unheimlich in all its splendor. This hole is the first condition of a conversation of the School around what the cause.
in this light that I propose to see the thread of the movement launched by Jacques-Alain Miller and leads to the founding of the European School of Psychoanalysis (EEP) in 1990, through the creation ELP, SLP and the NLS, and ending with that of FEEP and its latest mutation, EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis. What do we want this Federation? And what we want? The EuroFédération is being developed and construction. Questions may arise. These will help us sharpen our policy. They are to be sent with your details, comments and criticisms to Gil Caroz at: gil.caroz @

Caroz Gil,

President of Psychoanalysis EuroFédération
November 2010

1. MILLER JA, "Theory of Turin on the subject of the School" (2000), the NLS, No. 74, 2010.