Seminar "The names and appointment"
Fernando Pessoa was first singled out by denying that we put a caret over the letter O in his name but it has not been sufficient to to make a name. Indeed, it has created other names - of poets whose "personality" (Portuguese Pessôa means the person) and even physical and faces (seeming Portuguese) were different from hers - to build works in various styles and aesthetics that he assigned. These new poets heteronyms - arisen in a day of ecstasy of the poet which he called "The triumphant day of my life" - first appointed Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reisqui have all left their works considerable. Consequently, Fernando Pessoa himself has been relegated under orthonym the poet. At the end of his Fernando Pessoa life had created more than 70 heteronyms, not to mention his English protonymes (Search and Robert Anon and others) and French (Le Chevalier de Pas Seul and Jean Méluret).
Everything else, the poet "Pernambuco, João Cabral de Melo Neto was able to use the name of Severin to give not only a universal appeal because it is the name of many people in his homeland - The Backwoods of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil - but still has a qualifying life and death in his famous poem, Life and Death Severine. Finally
Luiz Inacio da Silva, a child born in the same Sertão Brazilian state of Pernambuco, who later became President of Brazil, introduced to adulthood in his own name the name we give to his country all children who are named "Luiz" Lula. The name his parents gave him and found his birth certificate has become, through his own initiative, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the name under which he registered in the history of his country and world.
she function can be given to these three modes of appointment in psychoanalysis?
1) Fernando Pessoa "Poetical Works" - Bibliotheque de la Pleiade - NRF - Gallimard 2001 Paris
2) Fernando Pessoa - Jean Seul Méluret "Aqui jaz França A Merda "-" Ci - Damn Lies, France "
a bilingual edition in The Shadow Line - Portugal 2009
3) Paulo Siqueira," Pessoa single and multiple "a bilingual text published in the Journal of the Courier of the EEP - Development "- OUT SERIES entitled" PESSOA - TRUNK OF THE NOVEL "- Paris 2001
4) João Cabral de Melo Neto, "Vida e Morte Severina" in Obra Completa, Editora Nova Aguilar, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
5) Denise Paraná, Lula's Child Brazil, French translation by François Bourin Editeur, 2010. This book was published in Brazil as Lula, o filho do Brasil Editora Ltda Objetiva, Rio de Janeiro 2009. This book has served the Brazilian scenario to the film of the same name directed by cinéasteRenato Barreto, who represented Brazil in the Oscar at Hollywood Film Festival this year 2010.
"Lula, o filho do Brail" is also the title of a doctoral thesis by Denise Paraná, published in Brazil by Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, Sao Paulo, including the 3rd. edition was published in Brazil in 2009, 527 pages ..
Jothy Bernard will speak on the theme Under the name of child ghost .
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