organized with the CERED CIEN and RI3
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Palais des Congrès d'Issy-les-Moulineaux
Metro Line 12 - Station Mairie d'Issy
Partners fierce that populate the world of children, phobic symptoms encountered in the clinic, fear of school and fear at school as evidenced by more and more young people, such are the issues discussed at this Study Day by stakeholders, collecting the work being done for several years in the institutions of the International Network of Institutions Infantiles (RI3), in regional groups of the Centre for Study and Research on the Children in the Speech Analytics (CERED) and the inter-disciplinary laboratories of the International Center on Child (CIEN).
This first Institute Day of the Child will also be an opportunity to hear from our guests on the child's place in contemporary social link.
This first Institute Day of the Child will also be an opportunity to hear from our guests on the child's place in contemporary social link.
INFORMATION: journee.institut.enfant @
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On EuroFédération Psychoanalysis
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Information: +32 (0) 484 100 109 On EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis
A little history
The European School of Psychoanalysis (EEP) was born in 1990, anticipating the birth of the MPA (1992). Founded as the Other European School of the Freudian Cause it brought together so many groups - in Europe and beyond - that referred in one way or another to the Lacanian orientation. Since its creation, are born of these groups, three schools that received EEP within it: Escuela of Lacanian Psicoanálisis (ELP) in Spain created in 2000, the Scuola di Lacanian Psicoanalisi (SLP) in Italy created in 2002 and the New Lacanian School (NLS), which includes many countries in Europe and elsewhere, created in 2003. In 2008, the EEP has decided to become a European Federation Schools of Psychoanalysis (FEEP). The ECF has agreed to take part. Now there was a federation comprising four Schools of the WAP in Europe with a goal defined by its first president Vicente Palomera, was to create "an institutional basis for more coordinated and effective European dimension, to fight against ideology of the evaluation and its legislative initiatives [and] to combat certain health policies applied to mental health in the countries of the European Union. The first political action the FEEP was the establishment of a European observatory "to discuss and" oppose the 'politics of civilization' cognitive promoted throughout Europe by the bureaucracies of State ". The journal Mind and PIPOL Meeting 4 of the Freudian Field in 2009 organized by the FEEP, were the major tools of this policy. Moreover, FEEP, coordinated with the GPA, held extimate some functions to the European Schools. The cartel was happening in the English language and registered as a cartel FEEP. Readers of the Journal of Days will recall the debate that has raised the ELP around the tension between "local" and "distant." Italy has also held a "Seminar-AMP FEEP" within the SLP, led by Eric Lawrence, the then President of the GPA, including the major challenge was dealing with issues of school. ;
From FEEP to EuroFédération Psychoanalysis
Externally, the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis reflects a desire to move from the "observatory", though necessary, an action phase. The ideology of the generalized evaluation, propagation CBT practices, initiatives laws concerning the psychological field attacking psychoanalysis, attempts to marginalization practices of speech by the rise of the neurosciences and the market for psychotropic drugs are all parts of a monstrous machine that is not enough to study, criticize, denounce. We now give our community of Lacanian orientation consistency of a grain of sand that becomes lodged in these infernal workings at a European level, we can no longer limited to local fight in every country - even if Of course it keeps its importance.
Internally, the transformation of VET FEEP is taken into account "the Paris event" of November 2009. On the one hand, this event brought the center of the ethics of the psychoanalyst and his training, his own relationship to the unconscious, with the pass to horizon. On the other hand, he gave voice to the "newcomers" - belonging to what Jacques-Alain Miller has called the "Generation Forum" - which are attached to the ECF from its political commitment. The ambition is to support this EuroFédération knotting paradox between collective political commitment and broad-scale and the principle of "demassification of utterance." Furthermore, VET continues to hold the offices of those who were with FEEP PGA European schools. It involved, among others, the debate within the ELP for the follow-up to the device's happening in this school. On this issue, things will be resolved in the coming months. She also continues to support a "seminar AMP-VET" in the Italian school, the SLP.
A community working
European VET did not create the European community of Lacanian psychoanalysis orientation: this community is already working. However, it must be structured to gain a consistency effective symbolic. Both are required for this purpose; one hand, it is to cross the boundaries of community organization working around a country, a school, a language to open up the dimension European. On the other hand, it is giving Many body that represents all members of the Lacanian orientation of the GPA and the Freudian Field in Europe. Internally, the transformation of VET FEEP is taken into account "the Paris event" of November 2009. On the one hand, this event brought the center of the ethics of the psychoanalyst and his training, his own relationship to the unconscious, with the pass to horizon. On the other hand, he gave voice to the "newcomers" - belonging to what Jacques-Alain Miller has called the "Generation Forum" - which are attached to the ECF from its political commitment. The ambition is to support this EuroFédération knotting paradox between collective political commitment and broad-scale and the principle of "demassification of utterance." Furthermore, VET continues to hold the offices of those who were with FEEP PGA European schools. It involved, among others, the debate within the ELP for the follow-up to the device's happening in this school. On this issue, things will be resolved in the coming months. She also continues to support a "seminar AMP-VET" in the Italian school, the SLP.
A community working
The creation of a European meaning for psychoanalysis, supported by a large number of members, will be a card that could represent us and, we hope to open our doors instances of the European Union political issues that concern psychoanalysis. Moreover, this new meaning will affect the lives of our schools and our working groups. It should encourage a flurry of exchanges between members of groups who see themselves in their common membership the EuroFédération, whatever the country, language and the school to which they refer.
directories of Psychoanalysis EuroFédération
Both the EuroFédération directories - Directory Regions and Directory Members - contribute to this body into our European community. Their development is coordinated by Guy Poblome, secretary of the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis.
directories of Psychoanalysis EuroFédération
Both the EuroFédération directories - Directory Regions and Directory Members - contribute to this body into our European community. Their development is coordinated by Guy Poblome, secretary of the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis.
The Yearbook of Regions
A first version of this directory was circulated with PIPOL NEWS No. 5, June 30, 2010, as well as on the lists of the four schools VET (Communiqué No. 1 EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis). It contains 55 regions, listed alphabetically, and 78 sub-regions, households in which a small psychoanalytic community is active in a region. This directory reflects the introduction of Lacanian psychoanalysis policy in Europe. Each region or subregion has its "Regional Representative". The names and contact information Regional Representatives are specified in the directory. Thus, the yearbook of the regions linking the local groups of members and VET representing the European community of Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation. It is being developed. A final version will be printed and distributed.
2 and July 3 2011, under the title "Mental Health is she?" Will take place on First European Congress of Psychoanalysis in Brussels, the capital of Europe (see argument in different languages in PIPOL NEWS No. 12). This Congress will be held with simultaneous translation in five languages: English, French, English, Italian, Dutch. While the founding convention of the EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis, this Congress inherits the name of the series of meetings held so far PIPOL the Freudian Field, which gave psychoanalysis a Lacanian orientation fundamental. A first version of this directory was circulated with PIPOL NEWS No. 5, June 30, 2010, as well as on the lists of the four schools VET (Communiqué No. 1 EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis). It contains 55 regions, listed alphabetically, and 78 sub-regions, households in which a small psychoanalytic community is active in a region. This directory reflects the introduction of Lacanian psychoanalysis policy in Europe. Each region or subregion has its "Regional Representative". The names and contact information Regional Representatives are specified in the directory. Thus, the yearbook of the regions linking the local groups of members and VET representing the European community of Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation. It is being developed. A final version will be printed and distributed.
The Members' Directory
The membership directory of EuroFédération Psychoanalysis is built. There is a list of people who are part of a school, institution or group in the Freudian Field Eurofédération regions. The inclusion in this directory does not guarantee no training or practice of the participant, because it falls within the Schools of the GPA, but reflects the membership of the member to the great work community that is interested and supports the cause of analytical Lacanian orientation, as in Europe, propelled by the Schools of AMP and the Freudian Field. To appear in the directory, the participant must be a member of a group or an institution recognized by the EuroFédération. First European Congress of Psychoanalysis: 5 PIPOL
PIPOL 5 will epistemic and political significance: it questions the very concept of mental health intervention and policy in this area. Moreover, it will highlight the effects of "Paris event" by inviting members of the EuroFédération to indicate a point of "Madness" thereby tensioning the "good "mental health.
EuroFédération The Psychoanalytic after FEEP ensures over Editor of the journal Mind. A European review, high quality epistemic politically engaged around issues of Mental Health since its inception in 1995. Mental and disseminate the priority concerns of EuroFédération. Yves Vanderveken who just finished his term as editor of the journal Quarto has invested, without taking leave in the new position of Editor of Mind. Readers are invited to read his detailed plan, published in NEWS PIPOL 6.
electronic Mental
EuroFédération The Psychoanalytic after FEEP ensures over Editor of the journal Mind. A European review, high quality epistemic politically engaged around issues of Mental Health since its inception in 1995. Mental and disseminate the priority concerns of EuroFédération. Yves Vanderveken who just finished his term as editor of the journal Quarto has invested, without taking leave in the new position of Editor of Mind. Readers are invited to read his detailed plan, published in NEWS PIPOL 6.
Site A new website has been the EuroFédération created, orchestrated by Dominique Holvoet, Special Delegate of VET for this project. This site is available in four languages of VET schools. It contains founding documents, a presentation of the EFP, text discussion, a section on "Mind", information on the Congress PIPOL 5, an area of "members" for directories of VET etc.. site address:
This electronic mailing list was created in April 2010 to propel a debate to PIPOL 5. With the transformation of VET FEEP, PIPOL becomes NEWS Electronic Newsletter EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis. The editors of the bulletin is the responsibility of the President of the EFP, with the help of Pascal Simonet ACF-Belgium for writing. It is broadcast in four languages of VET schools. Archives of the Bulletin are available on the site. Adherents of EuroFédération who have not yet done so are invited to register PIPOL NEWS by sending an empty email to the address Next: /
This electronic mailing list was created in April 2010 to propel a debate to PIPOL 5. With the transformation of VET FEEP, PIPOL becomes NEWS Electronic Newsletter EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis. The editors of the bulletin is the responsibility of the President of the EFP, with the help of Pascal Simonet ACF-Belgium for writing. It is broadcast in four languages of VET schools. Archives of the Bulletin are available on the site. Adherents of EuroFédération who have not yet done so are invited to register PIPOL NEWS by sending an empty email to the address Next:
in this light that I propose to see the thread of the movement launched by Jacques-Alain Miller and leads to the founding of the European School of Psychoanalysis (EEP) in 1990, through the creation ELP, SLP and the NLS, and ending with that of FEEP and its latest mutation, EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis. What do we want this Federation? And what we want? The EuroFédération is being developed and construction. Questions may arise. These will help us sharpen our policy. They are to be sent with your details, comments and criticisms to Gil Caroz at: gil.caroz @
November 2010
1. MILLER JA, "Theory of Turin on the subject of the School" (2000), the NLS, No. 74, 2010.
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