Courier Side of Paris in January 2011
"A good year 2011, although intranquille"
As we invite the ECF February 5 as the Lacan and Disquiet the psychoanalyst, the afternoon of study planned by the ACF and The Other Side of Paris as part of the workshop reading of texts of Lacan has been postponed to Saturday, March 26, the guest is Francis March 26 Leguil.
Thursday, January 19 we will do the evening of c- artel seminar on the appointment with Bernard and Jothy Paolo Siqueira, this event will be held at 24 rue Bayen in Paris 17ème Métro Ternes at 21h . Then the
January 21 (instead and times will be announced later) Nouria Gründler hosts meeting Marie-Hélène Brousse and François Ansermet around the latter's book The puzzles fun, written with Pierre Magistretti (Editions Odile Jacob, September 2010)
vectors and the collective 'Towards resume their work see. following dates and information.
vectors and the collective 'Towards resume their work see. following dates and information.
We will then prepare the meeting Pipol V Mental health is she? This question of what mental health was addressed by Eric Lawrence in an article in the first issue of Mind in which he repeated this assertion as health Lacan Physics is "the silence of the organs", "Mental health is what ensures the silence of the Other, as silence is the silence of the organs" he writes. This will put it in tension with what Lacan writes about Schreber in question preliminary to any possible treatment of psychosis, namely, "his effort to reply," "effort to reply maintain the Other "added Eric Lawrence during his lecture at the Flipside about Schreber and psychosis. Mental health could she not be defined as this effort by everyone to stay in the Other, even when the Other does not exist, or when the other speaks too much, or when that Other is a little too much sign of either her or hate His love?
Moreover, most the other disappears, the more disquiet is to go. It is therefore Intranquilles be the right way, it is the wish I have for the members of This Side, for new members in particular we welcome: Marie-Christine Baillehache Constance Broca, Dominique Charpenel Janis Jails, Olivier and Nathalie Stephan Miani. Finally we will
several evenings with guests around the issue of mental health: Didier Cremniter will talk about the suicides of teenagers today, and we'll talk with Cinzia Crosal depression today from his book Depression, affect central modernity. At the time
Wikileaks surfing the desire for transparency, we check the relevance of anticipation of our guidance. JA Miller has organized a few years ago a forum on the issue of secrecy, the fact to preserve a right to privacy, and if anything can be said in a cure, not-all can be known by all, and we see So today Julian Assange - the director of Wikileaks - grappling with a certain anxiety of "assigned house "in an English castle. He who, by distributing hundreds of thousands of computer messages, hit the semblance of world diplomacy, is being hit by a real and reported in an interview made with thoughts of fear for his physical safety, it is quieter at all.
For the psychoanalyst it is of course another way of being unquiet, but also "denies the power of appearances" Through the experience of psychoanalysis completed, he knows there is no "symbolic order". This is not a given. As evidenced disorder is symbolic of the real lalangue. So from the unmasking of a real symbolic order can be restored. "Eric Lawrence, because Freudian No. 76 p 150.
Good Disquiet at all, Marie-Claude Sureau
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