Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dog Has Sticky Red Poo

psychoanalysis and cinema

Next meeting December 20 at 20.30 at J.

Rejl 2 avenue du Colonel Fabien in Pantin
Elisabetta Milan we will present film clips of the Coen Brothers in the thread of our last meeting about work. Evangelia
Tsoni has indeed made the last time the Lacanian turn when the joke is not conceived from an uncrossed Other (giving a kind of absolute sense) but from the bar range on the other, ie from hole, of course, the direction opposite to the evidence. Writing about it will come in January. This led us to take Witz in cinema by another end than that which can be used obviously. In other words how the montage of images in a film, and text that supports it, can it have the function of a misunderstanding? To test this, we watched some footage of The Dark Knight C. Nolan and have made the effort to equivocate the entire movie from a few basic sequences of it resonating with the sequence where The Joker said: "What does not kill, is strange." English is better. Something heroism today is said and shown in this film we could see and hear as a kind of prosopopoeia. But what? It would be easy to link up here on Tarantino's Kill Bill. We will. David Mabin proposes to conduct a study on Nolan's film, he will introduce soon, next year, by intersecting with the great Tim Burton version. We will also talk in 2011 of mysterious laughter of Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks D. Lynch.
In the same spirit (of heroism) I will mention a passage from Revenge of the Sith Lucas G which spoke of a triumph (it's hard clearly shown in the movie: we go there) the topology of the sphere model of the influence of a unique, round, therefore the opposite of the topology of interlacing strings or rings is what lalangue and its ambiguities. So we will have to "draw the nipples" of some movies, make them "whine" if I may say (to use Lacan's seminar metaphors again): crushing line, the screen and highlight the uniqueness of a film ... without resorting to the obvious ball!

For more information: 06 07 23 39 29.


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